Environmental Commission2024-07-18T13:44:17-04:00


email: environmentalcommission@manchestertwp.com

Meeting Agenda for July 23rd, 2024

Previous Meeting Minutes


Environmental Commission Project Documents

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Regular Meetings of the Manchester Township Environmental Commission will be held on the following dates in the Municipal Building, 1 Colonial Drive, at 6:00 pm on the fourth Tuesdays of the month as follows:

2024 Meeting Dates

January 23rd July 23rd
February 27th August 27th
March 26th September 24th
April 23rd October 22nd
May 21st November 26th
June 25th December 17th



Environmental Commission Section of our Township Code

Upcoming Events

Manchester Township Cleanup 2024


Environmental Commission Members Term Expires

Gabrielle Fox Chairperson 12/31/2024
Karen Argenti Vice Chairperson 12/31/2024
Sandra Drake Member 12/31/2025
Genevieve Stavalo Member 12/31/2024
Dina Newbert Member 12/31/2024
Bill Foor Alternate #1 12/31/2023
Christopher Blaine Alternate #2 12/31/2023
Amanda Kisty Secretary

News & Announcements

Manchester Township Environmental Commission Launches “Reducing Our Plastic is Fantastic 2020 Awareness Campaign”

Manchester Township Environmental Commission released this statement in conjunction with their “Reducing Our Plastic is Fantastic 2020 Awareness Campaign”.  The campaign was approved by the commission at their April 11, 2019 public meeting and officially kicks off Earth Day April 22, 2019.  The campaign will have commission members and volunteers participating in township events and educating the public throughout the year leading up to a celebration of Earth Day 2020, the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.

“The damage from plastic bags, straws and other disposables is unsightly and damaging to our parks, waterways and community in general.  We are hopeful we can do our part to make great strides in changing behavior and becoming a model community.” said Commission Chair Peggy Middaugh.

Commission member Rory Wells also stated “One aspect of the campaign includes the founding of our Environmental Ambassador Program which will give citizens a chance to assist the commission with our efforts and earn a limited-edition inaugural collectors pin.  Many of our citizens already enjoy the outdoors but may not be aware of even simple changes that can reduce use of plastics in our town.”

For more information, or to volunteer, please email us at environmentalcommission@manchestertwp.com

By |April 30th, 2019|Categories: EC News|Comments Off on Manchester Township Environmental Commission Launches “Reducing Our Plastic is Fantastic 2020 Awareness Campaign”

Manchester Students Decorate Paper Grocery Bags in Celebration of Earth Day 2019

Happy Earth Day!! Once again, the Manchester Township Environmental Commission helped coordinate the Earth Day paper bag project between the elementary schools and local supermarkets to send a message of protecting the earth in celebration of Earth Day. Students created colorful drawings on paper grocery bags supplied by both Stop & Shop and ShopRite. Customers received the colorful bags when they shopped for groceries on Earth Day, Monday, April 22nd, 2019.

By |April 30th, 2019|Categories: EC News|Comments Off on Manchester Students Decorate Paper Grocery Bags in Celebration of Earth Day 2019
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