

Manchester Township is located in beautiful Ocean County, New Jersey, just minutes from the Jersey Shore and
in between New York City, Philadelphia and Atlantic City. Manchester is nestled in the New Jersey Pinelands and we are Ocean County’s best kept secret!

Some Helpful Quick Links

Building Department Citizen Portal
Marriage License
Court Cases
Court Payments
Sticker for Recycling Center
Bulk, Leaf & Brush, Recycling Pickup
Property Maintenance/Complaints
Senior Services
Manchester Citizen
Dog Licensing
Police Department
OPRA Request Form
Public Notices
JBMDL PFAS Information

We thank you for your interest in Manchester Township

Beautiful Parks, Lakes, and Preserved Open Space, our top notch municipal services and our vibrant and dynamic community makes Manchester a great place to live, work, and raise a family. That is why the June 2012 edition of Inside New Jersey, a monthly publication of the Star Ledger, rated Manchester Township as such a great place to retire in New Jersey. Manchester Township offers something for everyone!

The goal of our website is to provide you with information about our municipality. Here you can learn about the many departments we have and the services that we offer. This is the hub where you will find a vast amount of information about our local government at your convenience and your leisure.

If there is something that you cannot find, please feel free to contact us during normal business hours and we will be pleased to assist you with any questions. Also, please check back often as we update the site frequently

Here are some ways we can help you.

Municipal Information
Community Resources
Community Events

Four Chaplains Day Recognized in Manchester Township

Mayor Joseph Hankins recently had the honor of presenting Manchester Township Police Chaplains Pastor Owen Alston and Pastor Frank Watson, and U.S. Air Force Chaplain Rabbi Raphael Berdugo, with a Proclamation in recognition of Four Chaplains Day. Observed annually on February 3rd, Four Chaplains Day commemorates the selfless and heroic actions of four military chaplains during World War II, as they sacrificed their lives to save others in the face of a sinking ship. Manchester Township is home to a distinguished and proud Veterans community, and it remains incumbent upon us, as a community, to remember and honor the tremendous sacrifice of those who served our country. May we all reflect upon the selfless acts of the Four Chaplains, and engage in acts of kindness, understanding, and unity in the spirit of their memory.

February 3rd, 2025|
Manchester Township NJ

Shop Manchester


Your card, issued by the township of Manchester, will earn you

Property tax credits every time you shop in Manchester, whiting and

Lakehurst at participating businesses.


Photos courtesy of Manchester Township and local residents’ submissions.  Thank you

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