Whiting Recycling Center – 110 Sam Pitts Road, Manchester Township, NJ 08759
Hours of operation are 8:00am to 3:00PM
Open – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Closed – Wednesday & Sunday
Directions: Take Route 70 West to Whiting. The landfill is located 1/2 mile from the intersection of Route 539 and 70 on the right hand side of 70.
What’s needed to obtain a sticker for the Whiting Recycling Center and Ocean County Landfill?
A valid driver’s license and the registration of the vehicle that will be going to the facility.
Your DL and registration must have your Manchester address on them. If they do not you must also provide a utility bill as proof of residency (cable, phone, electric, gas). We DO NOT accept water or tax bills.
Where can I get a sticker?
You can get a sticker at Town Hall, Public Works Department, Room 103 Monday-Friday 8:30 to 4:00 and also in Whiting at the Public Works Garage at 1360 Route 70 Monday-Friday 8:30 to 3:30.
What is the cost of the sticker?
There is no charge for the sticker.
I am a resident of Manchester and I have to borrow a vehicle not registered in Manchester to go to the recycling center, what do I do?
You must bring in your driver’s license proving your residency in Manchester and the registration of the vehicle you are bringing to the facility and we will issue you a temporary pass for the day.
How do you get to the Whiting Recycling Center?
Route 70 West to Whiting. The recycling center is located ½ mile from the intersection of Route 539 and 70 on the right hand side of 70 on Sam Pitts Road.
What do they accept at the Recycling Center?
We accept recycling including cans, bottles, cardboard, newspaper, mixed paper, magazines, etc. We also accept bulk items, electronics and metal. Please refer to our bulk schedule posted on this site for more details.
What do they accept at the Ocean County Landfill?
The Ocean County Landfill is a privately owned facility. Manchester residents are allowed to bring 6 bags of household trash twice a week at no charge. Only household trash is allowed with your sticker. All bulk items should be brought to the Whiting Recycling Center. The Ocean County Landfill will charge for any bulk items brought to their facility.
Does the Whiting Recycling Center accept grass clippings?
Grass clippings are considered a hazardous material. When grass breaks down it gives off a methane gas which is considered hazardous. As a result, we are not permitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to accept the clippings. The NJDEP suggests cutting your lawn more often and leaving the shorter clippings so that your lawn can reseed itself.
What do you do with household batteries?
Household batteries are no longer recyclable. Batteries are not hazardous so it is safe to put them in your regular trash.
How do you dispose of old medication?
Do not dispose of medications down the drain or toilet. You can drop off your medications at the Manchester Township Police Department. Keep medicine in the original container and mark out your personal information on the prescription bottle before disposing in the “Project Medicine Drop Box”.
You can also mix liquid medicine with undesirable substances like coffee grinds, cat litter or dirt. Dilute pills with water, then add coffee grinds, cat litter or dirt and dispose of in your regular trash.
How do you dispose of needles and syringes?
Place used needles and syringes in a coffee can with a lid or a plastic bottle with a top. When full, tape lid/top shut and label as “needles” and discard in your trash. Do not place can or bottle in with your recyclables container.
Where can you find how to dispose of items properly?
Download the FREE Recycle Coach app. There is a “What Goes Where?” search tool for all your questions of how to dispose items properly.
What does the Recycle Coach offer?
Get a personalized recycling schedule for your address. Also reminders for your bulk pick-up and leaf and brush pick-up. Just put in your address and all your recycling information is at your fingertips!
How many bulk pick-ups and leaf and brush pick-ups does the Township offer?
Pick-ups are twice a year. Check our website for dates or go to your recycle coach app.
What do you do with old paint?
Old paint can be brought to the Ocean County Northern Recycling Center in Lakewood. (732)367-0802
What do you do with hazardous material?
The Ocean County Department of Solid Waste runs a hazardous waste day twice a year at different towns within the County. Manchester is one of the towns to host the event. Please check our site frequently for upcoming dates.
Does Manchester offer a shredding program?
Ocean County offers the Residential Document Shredding program. It provides residents the opportunity to recycle their old documents and files safely and securely. Please check our site frequently for upcoming dates.
How can you report a problem?
You can either send your request for service to , call Public Works 732-657-8121 ext 3300 or call the Township garage 732-350-4382.