For those residents who were unable to attend the November 7, 2019, Residents Information Session for the upcoming NJ Forest Fire Service Structural Protection Drill at Whiting Fire Company Sta. 33, a video replay from the event is available for viewing below.
This drill is the culmination of a three-year effort to create a fire protection checklist that officials plan to implement at the state level and ultimately nationwide. Manchester Township, which has a history of major forest fires, is proud to be a part of developing a checklist that will help to save homes, property, and lives! Lessons learned during this drill will benefit all of our residents, no matter the community in which they reside.
Emergency Management Coordinator Arthur Abline, who has been working with the Fire Safety Council to host the Structural Protection Drill, thanked the members of the Township Council and Ken Palmer, Mayor of Manchester, for their assistance in making this all possible. As always, keeping our community protected remains a top priority.
The drill was conducted in the Fox Hollow section of Whiting on November 9, 2019. Watch to learn more about what is being done to protect our communities from the threat of forest fires!
Part I:
Part II: