Mayor Palmer continues his series of Neighborhood Meetings throughout Manchester in 2018.
Meetings were held recently at Manchester Firehouse for the Pine Lake Park, Holly Oaks, Summit Park and Eastern Manchester communities; and at Whiting Firehouse for Roosevelt City and Western Manchester (Whiting) communities. The Mayor also visits each of the Senior Communities for the annual meetings. Mayor Palmer provides an update on events occurring in the town, reviews budget issues, and conducts a question and answer session. Pictured is the May 22nd Neighborhood Meeting at the Whiting Firehouse.
If you were unable to attend Mayor Palmer’s Neighborhood Meeting on May 22, 2018, at the Whiting Volunteer Fire Company station, catch a replay of the Facebook Live stream below. The stream is in two parts. Topics include the municipal budget, improvements to roads and parks, and the town-wide reassessment.
Be sure to follow Manchester Township on Facebook by clicking here!