Manchester Township Water Utility Eastern Service Area Customers Mandatory Lawn and Landscape Watering Restrictions Effective July 1, 2012
During summer months, customer demands for water increase dramatically due to lawn irrigation. Last year during mandatory lawn and landscape watering restrictions, peak water demands were among the highest ever experienced. Reducing peak demands is essential to our provision of an uninterrupted supply of water throughout the summer months, particularly in emergencies, such as fires. The following mandatory lawn and landscape watering restrictions are effective in our Eastern Service Area beginning July 1, 2012 until further notice. The Eastern Service Area generally includes the portion of the Township lying along Route 37 and those portions lying to the east of Route 37, the Borough of Lakehurst and the Lakehurst Naval Air Engineering Station and Warfare Center.
1. Watering shall be defined as the sprinkling, watering or irrigation of shrubbery, trees, lawns, grass, ground covers, plants, vines, gardens, vegetables, flowers, or any vegetation.
2. Properties with odd numbered street addresses may water only on odd calendar dates (such as July 1) except for the 31st of a month on which watering is prohibited.
3. Properties with even numbered street addresses may water only on even calendar dates (such as July 16).
4. Watering is not permitted between the hours of 10 am and 5 pm.
5. Watering of any single area shall not exceed 30 minutes in a day.
6. These restrictions shall apply to all residential and commercial properties served by Manchester Township that are located in the Water Utility’s Eastern Service Area except for public parks, public recreation areas and nurseries. Hanging plants are exempt. Any newly seeded or sodded lawn areas for up to thirty days after initial seeding or sodding are also exempt provided there is a small sign visible from the street in the front yard indicating “new seed” or “new sod” and the date of installation.
7. These restrictions shall not apply to residents and commercial properties which are served by other water utility companies or which obtain their potable water from their own private well.
8. These restrictions shall not apply to customers that obtain water for lawn and landscape watering from their own private well provided they place a small sign visible from the street in their front yard indicating “Private Well”.
9. Violators of these restrictions are subject to fines.
In addition, please adhere to the following additional water conservation practices:
• Use self-closing nozzles on all hoses
• Use a broom to sweep your sidewalk or patio rather than a hose
• Run washing machines and dishwashers only when full
• Turn off faucets when not in use, such as while brushing your teeth or washing dishes
• Use soaker hoses or drip irrigation to water trees, gardens and flower beds
Thank you for your anticipated compliance with these water conservation measures.