Residents who have questions or would like more information regarding the Manchester Community Energy Aggregation Program (MCEA) are welcome to meet with our energy consultant, Gabel Associates, in the Municipal Complex Civic Center on the following dates between the hours of 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.: October 7th, 8th, 12th and 13th.
Questions may also be directed to Energy Harbor, the Township’s new energy aggregator, by calling 1-866-636-3749.
The MCEA, which uses bulk purchasing power to obtain a lower rate than that offered by JCP&L, is changing to the third-party supplier Energy Harbor in December 2021. This new contract is expected to save the typical Township resident more than $100 over the 24-month contract term, with no change to the level of service.
Detailed information on the MCEA program, including Mayor Hudak’s announcement letter, a frequently asked questions page, and opt-out form, is available by clicking here to visit the Energy Aggregation section of our website.